Registration closes on Thursday January 23rd!
Strong Women, Strong Bones Jumpstart
A 5-week program specifically designed for women with osteoporosis or osteopenia who want to prevent falls that fracture and stay fearlessly active for years to come. Learn the exact exercises you need to build healthy bones and muscles and stay active for years to come.
Open for enrollment from January 18-23, 2025.
Exactly what you get in Strong Women, Strong Bones
In 5 weeks, you will:
Learn how to master an osteoporosis-safe yoga practice and start a home weights training program.
Find out why you need to specifically build bone after menopause, not just walk.
Get the nutrition facts you need to make sure you have the specific bone building blocks you need.
Feel confident that you are doing exactly what you need for optimal bone health.
The Promise:
I want you to stop living in fear of fractures. Understand your diagnosis and start living your active lifestyle today.
We know you want to do all you can to stay healthy, and we want to help. In this supportive program, you will build strong bones and muscle 💪, work on great posture, and learn how to stay active for years to come.
Here’s what you will learn:
Weights and Core Classes
Monday and Friday 10 am, 35-minute class focused on the safe use of lifting with small weights and progressing, as appropriate, heavier weights.
Yoga-Inspired Movement Classes
Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am, 35-minute classes focused on practicing yoga with props, with an emphasis on a neutral spine, balancing flexion with extension, and learning how to twist safely.
Educational Sessions
On Tuesday evenings at 7 pm EST, you will get answers to your questions about building a strong body, naturally.
The topics we cover:
➢All About Bone - What it’s Made of and How to Build It.
➢All About Muscles - Benefits of Strength Training at any age
➢Nutrition for Strong Women
➢All About Your Heart - Cardiovascular Health
How the live classes will run:
✅ We begin on Monday, January 27th at 10 am, and wrap up on Friday, February 28th.
✅ Mondays and Fridays, we do a live 35-minute Weights and Core class at 10 am EST.
✅ On Tuesdays and Thursdays, we do a live 35-minute yoga class at 10 am EST.
✅ On Tuesday evenings at 7 pm EST, casual check-in and learn .
✅ The classes are live on ZOOM and recorded, so you can do them later in the day if the time doesn't work for you. You will also have access to the Content Library, with over 300 classes.
✅ In addition to the live yoga and weight training classes, you are invited to four live evening masterclass sessions.
Have we met?
I’m Andrea. I’ve been a licensed Physical Therapist (with both Master's and Doctoral degrees) for quite a while now, but I am not ready to stop being active or helping other women live their best lives, even as we approach retirement age. I am also a therapeutic yoga teacher. I love to hike, walk, run, travel, explore and a whole lot more. If I ever retire, it will only be to make more time for exploring and taking on more adventures.
Right before I turned 50, I discovered my Vitamin D levels were well below normal. This was alarming because I realized my bones were losing density, and I wasn’t doing all that much to counter the loss. I poured over the research and changed my practice to online education so I could share my knowledge with more women.
I realized if I could be caught off guard and experience bone loss, it would be a big problem I could help address.
Strong Women, Strong Bones is my 5-week online program designed to teach you everything you need to know to stay informed, strong, and live without fear.
See what others have to say:
Who exactly is this program for?
Have you been told you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, know you need to do weight-bearing exercise, but don’t know where to start?
Do you need to do weight-bearing exercises to keep your bones strong, but you don’t like gyms and would prefer to exercise at home?
Did you try an online exercise class but got lost or hurt because it was not for beginners with osteoporosis or osteopenia?
Have you tried free online exercise classes but stopped because they weren’t fun to do alone?
Have you wondered if you could improve your DEXA scan t-score if you added weight training to your regular walking routine?
You’ve got questions,
I’ve got answers
Yes! I teach the classes live in EST, and I record them as well. I will send the ZOOM recording to everyone shortly after class concludes. You will get it in your inbox. The ZOOM link is good for about 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the classes are moved to my Content Library where you can watch them for an additional month.
I got you. I will show you what the exercises are, how to hold the weights and how to listen to your body. You can even start without any weights if you are fearful. Almost everyone in the class has some form of bone loss. We will all support each other.
Absolutely! This program is suitable for beginners and women who have been doing exercise but don’t think it is safe for someone with bone loss. Andrea modifies the exercises for many abilities, so you can build strength and confidence at your own pace. If you can get up and down off of the floor at least one time, you should be able to do it without a problem.
The recorded classes and educational sessions are available for an additional 30 days after the program ends. This should give you plenty of time to complete the program and account for any time you miss due to illness or vacation.
The program focuses on weight-bearing exercises and yoga, both of which have been shown to improve bone density, muscle strength, and balance. In addition, these exercises can enhance posture and reduce the risk of falls. Each class is specifically designed to target areas most vulnerable to fractures, like the spine, hips, and wrists, while improving overall strength and flexibility.
For Weights & Core class: You’ll need a set of light to moderate free weights (e.g., 2–10 lbs, depending on your strength level). Sneakers you can wear inside.
For Yoga: a yoga mat, 2 foam yoga blocks, a blanket or two.
Yes! All classes are recorded, so if you miss a live session, you can catch up at your convenience. This allows you to stay on track with the program, even if your schedule doesn’t always align with the live class times. There are no classes on Wednesdays, which is a good day to catch up as well.
If your link isn’t working, and it has been less than two weeks since the class was taught, try logging out of ZOOM and logging back in. ZOOM does regular upgrades and occassionally needs to be reloaded.
Strong Women, Strong Bones Jumpstart
January 27th- February 28th, 2025 (access to recorded classes thru 3/31/25)
8 Yoga Inspired Movement classes, 35 minutes, online and recorded
8 Weights and Core Classes, progressive strengthening with bodyweight and hand-held weights, online and recorded
4 Comprehensive Educational Masterclasses, hour-long with question and answer sessions, online and recorded.
Easy Access to all content, - access to the full program on Punchpass thru 3/31/25, with all recordings and the Content Library, to accommodate sick time or vacation dates.
You ready to do this?
Got more questions? Email and we'll get back to you.